One of my favorite activities during Labor Day Weekend is to go to one of the many towns in Indiana that have a fall festival. One of the best is Old Fashioned Days in North Salem, Indiana. This year, Pie Pal Cheryl and I timed our visit to be able to participate in the Pie Judging Contest and Auction.

People: The pie judging organizing committee. Pie judging contests take almost a year to plan. The chair of the committee this year has organized many contests and her experience is evident as her team sets up the tables with the pies and the judges (two pie experts and one experienced taster!) are ready. The pies are judged on both the pastry and the filling.


Places: North Salem, Indiana. The festival takes place on the main street which is closed to car traffic; the pie judging takes place on the side street leading to the park with a Gazebo. It is a gorgeous fall day, warm and sunny; leaves are beginning to turn; main street is lined with “old-fashioned cars” (also to be judged) and packed with people. Vendors on side streets sell plants, pizzas and everything in between. We went directly to the judging stand and took seats in the front row. The auction was about to begin.

Pies: After the pies are judged and the first, second and third place pies are displayed to the audience, the auction begins. The bidding starts at $25.00 and typically the auction raises several thousand dollars for the community. The first prize went to a young baker of a pecan pie, but after being outbid twice, we ended up with an Apple-Caramel Crumb pie which we took home, added vanilla ice cream on the side, and immediately devoured the first slice. The apples were crisp and juicy, but the crumb topping with dabs of caramel “frosting” added the winning touch. Yummo!

Old Fashioned Days in North Salem, Indiana: Pie Judging and Auction

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