On a recent trip to Chicago to visit my granddaughter, she suggested we have brunch at Bang-Bang Pies and Biscuits to give me a chance to activate my pi(e) tastebuds in preparation for Pi Day. On this special day I
More Frank Lloyd Wright Houses and a Pumpkin Pie
On a Sisters’ trip to put finishing touches on the celebration of Jill’s special birthday, Carolyn and I met Jill at her home in DC and drove to Pennsylvania where we could visit three more Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW) houses
Celebrating Halloween in Salem, Massachusetts: Lobster Pie
On our way to Boston from New Hampshire, Pie Pal Linda and I decided to visit Salem, MA. It was only September, 29, but as we drove into downtown Salem, it felt like Halloween. The streets were crowded with locals
Enjoying the Fall Foliage in the White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire and a Blueberry Pie
Hoping to see vivid fall colors in New England, Pie Pal Linda and I traveled to the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire. We were not disappointed. We started our leaf peeping with a 5-hour ride through Mount Washington
Old Fashioned Days in North Salem, Indiana: Pie Judging and Auction
One of my favorite activities during Labor Day Weekend is to go to one of the many towns in Indiana that have a fall festival. One of the best is Old Fashioned Days in North Salem, Indiana. This year, Pie
Finding Pies in Iowa (AKA “Piowa!): Pies and a Pie Shake
Whaaaat? What for? Why there? Huh? All these words were accompanied by looks of doubt or amazement as sister Jill and I told our friends we were taking a driving trip to Iowa to celebrate her special birthday. Playing baseball
Arkansas: A Pie Paradise
In preparing for a trip to Arkansas, I searched the web for “best pies” and “pie trail” and was amazed at the opportunities there were to eat pie. The main mission of the trip (really!) was to go to the
Olivia Makes One More Key Lime Pie
Neighbors invited me to a Memorial Day cookout with their daughter, son-in-law, and 11-year-old granddaughter, Olivia. I contributed a Key Lime pie for dessert. When Olivia finished the last bite of her pie, she wished there was more. Solution: make
Enjoying Empanadas (Em-pie-nadas!) in Central America
To search for sunshine, warm temperatures, and pies, pie pal Linda and I escaped on a cruise to Central America. At our port stops in Montenegro, Jamaica; Colon and Panama City, Panama (including a partial transit through the Canal); Puerto
Signs of Resilience after Hurricane Ian in Fort Myers Beach, Florida: The Comforting Power of Pie
It is now 16 months since hurricane Ian demolished Fort Myers Beach, Florida. Sister Jill and I, wanting to see the sun and visit friends, planned to spend a week in January in Fort Myers Beach. The person who purchased